Saturday, December 19, 2009

We had December this year?

Sorry, it's been a while. December has just beeen crazy for us, like it is everyone.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, spent just over a week in Jasper which was great. Roman began reaching his arms out for people if he wants them to get him, which thrilled my parents! He also began waving while we were there. And the night we got home Roman pulled up on the furniture! So laying out Xmas cards to send, wrapping presents... Things have been a little harder and busier! We also started Roman on many more fingers foods. He loves fruit, he will whine until the next piece of fruit gets in his mouth. He is trying to talk he makes noise when he waves, so that's "hey!" and he makes a noise when you ask him what a doggie says. And when I ask what does Santa say, he kinda huffs once for a "ho ho ho". So it's real fun.I know it's terrible to be a month behind but I probably won't write til we get home from Xmas too. Merry Christmas everbody !

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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